Changyeon Kim [AT]


Hello. I am a PhD student at KAIST, advised by Jinwoo Shin and Kimin Lee, and a visiting PhD student at UT Austin advised by Yuke Zhu. I also worked closely with Honglak Lee at University of Michigan and Joseph J. Lim at KAIST.

My research interest lies on applying RL algorithms to challenging tasks where reward specification is burdensome. To this end, I am focusing on designing RL algorithms to tackle practical and challenging scenarios like environments without well-shaped rewards and unseen novel environments. I am also broadly interested in RL researches including RL with representation learning, language‐conditioned RL, and offline RL.

Prior to my graduate studies, I was a machine learning engineer at Recommendation Team of Kakao. Before that, I completed my BS in Computer Science at KAIST.


Sep 22, 2023 ARP has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023. See you in New Orleans :us:!
Jun 19, 2023 I will attend ICML 2023 in person for presenting workshop paper (ARP). Feel free to contact to meet or chat in Hawaii, USA :us:.
Jan 21, 2023 Preference Transformer is accepted to ICLR2023 :smile:. Hope to see you in Kigali, Rwanda :rwanda:!


  1. Subtask-Aware Visual Reward Learning from Segmented Demonstrations
  2. ICLRWSpotlight
    B-MoCA: Benchmarking Mobile Device Control Agents across Diverse Configurations
    Juyong Lee, Minyong An, Taywon Min,  Changyeon Kim, and Kimin Lee
    In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop on Generative Models for Decision Making, 2024
    Spotlight Presentation
  3. Guide Your Agent with Adaptive Multimodal Rewards
    In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
    Previously accepted to ICML 2023 Workshop on New Frontiers in Learning, Control, and Dynamical Systems
  4. Preference Transformer: Modeling Human Preferences using Transformers for RL
    In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
    (*: equal contribution)
  5. Dynamics-Augmented Decision Transformer for Offline Dynamics Generalization
    Changyeon Kim*Junsu Kim*Younggyo SeoKimin LeeHonglak Lee, and Jinwoo Shin
    In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on Offline Reinforcement Learning, 2022
    (*: equal contribution)

Work Experience

Recommendation Team, Kakao
Machine Learning Engineer (Dec 2020 ~ Feb 2022)

Data Science Group, Institute of Basic Science
Resarch Intern advised by Prof. Meeyoung Cha (Jul 2019 - Nov 2020)

Honors and Awards

Travel Award ($2,000),  Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
Recipient ($3,000),  KAIST-Google Partnership Program, 2023
Recipient ($2,000),  Google East Asia Student Travel Grant, 2023
Travel Award ($1,000),  International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
Dean's List,  KAIST Department of Engineering, 2019
Recipient ($5,000),  Line Scholarship, 2019
Recipient,  National Science and Engineering Scholarship, Korea Ministry of Science and ICT, 2017 - 2019
Recipient ($3,000),  Kwanjeong Scholarship, 2017

Invited Talks

Guide Your Agent with Adaptive Multimodal Rewards
LG AI Research (New Orleans, LA, USA)

Academic Services

Conference Reviewer:  ICML (2024), NeurIPS (2024)
Workshop Reviewer:  Frontiers4LCD@ICML'23